June 2012
Saber completed the first phase on the Space Beer Bottle. The design passes simulation analysis to include vibration, fluid flows and surface tension.
September 2012
Fresh off the press is the 3D printed Space Beer prototype. We took it to the 4 Pines filler machine to test the fittings.
December 2012
We’ve narrowed down several concept CAD sketches for the Space Beer Bottle Insert.
November 2013
After 2 years of development Saber Astronautics flew two prototypes with a highly successful ZERO-G test flight. One prototype 3D printed, one out of medical grade stainless steel.
February 2015
Industrial Design of the Space Beer Bottle begins, with the help of our pals at AUXILIARY and a design is selected. This then leads to two years of concept refinement and a material science review for 2 bottle design options.
January 2018
Industrial Design Engineering completed for two viable build configurations ready for high fidelity prototype testing in Zero Gravity.