Project News

Indiegogo Campaign Update
Well, it’s come to that time where our campaign has ended - and unfortunately, we weren’t successful in gaining the funding needed to get the project off the ground this year.

To all of our backers, sharers and followers, and to beer and space lovers everywhere we can’t thank you enough for supporting our project.

But this is not the end!!

What did we achieve?

The biggest impact on not achieving our funding goal is the science; we wanted to get 50 people in 0-g conditions, to get a good range of alcohol effect data.  i.e. what is two standard drinks in space?  We'll have to wait for that.

People love the Space Beer bottle and we were really stoked to get such a good range of global press.  Feedback was genuinely positive on the concept, however we learnt that people wanted a better price.  We learnt that selling the Space Beer bottle via a crowdsourcing platform and adding in a biomedical research program added a fair bit of cost overhead. As we move forward we aim to scale back those efforts and revisit the science later.

In summary the plan is to go back to native growth, try for at a better price per bottle, and re-engage commercialisation at a later date.

So what happens now? I don’t get any Space Beer?!

As we committed to an all-or-nothing crowdfunding campaign, our funding won't be realised and all our backers will be refunded by Indiegogo within 5-7 business days.

In the meantime, we’ll keep working away on the project and when we’ve made Space Beer a true reality (i.e. have it in our hands ready for the first commercial space flights), you - our VIP backers, and supporters will be given one of the first opportunities to get Space Beer in your hands!

This project up until this date has been funded itself by sales of the ‘Earth’ version of the beer, so while the campaign didn’t reach the funding goal we’ll be able to continue – just at a slower rate.

Since 4-Pines is expanding to the US and UK this will allow us to accelerate a bit but not at the pace and scale we were hoping for from the campaign.

What are the next steps for Vostok?

Our next 0-g flight finishes the bottle R&D and that's already paid for and is definitely going ahead.

Next flight is for a 0-g flight test for the two mouthpieces.  That will happen with ZERO-G early next year depending on flight schedules – and this step we have already paid for.  We'll test to ensure there is no spillage for either design and to make sure the anti-spill mechanism also can maintain a proper flow of beer.

How can you stay involved and updated?

Join us on social media to keep on top of the project as we progress. We’ll be sure to keep you updated!

Thanks again for all your support, we couldn’t do it without all the love from you all!



Q & A with Dr J.
We have had some common questions relating to the Space Beer project, so we asked Dr. Held to shed some light on some of the more technical aspects of Space Beer.

Q: How does the wicking technology work?

A: “The beer bottle insert works using surface tension, which is a weak bond between the beer and whatever its touching.  You see it all the time when drinking here on Earth, the small miniscus where the beer "sticks" a little to the glass, or the way droplets bead on a table top.  Without gravity, surface tension is all you have so we use the insert's special shape and materials use to spread the beer in the direction we want it to go”.
Q: What exactly makes it a ‘Space Beer’? haven’t others sent beer into space?

A: In recent years there have been concepts for brewing in space and sending beer to space and even using bits of space in beer, but the focus has been on the marketing or brewing process, not the recipe itself or the science behind consumption. All of this is cool until you realize you just spent three times the cost to drink a normal pilsner style beer on Earth which is undrinkable in space. Vostok is the first beer ever designed especially for the space environment - from the recipe right through to the patented bottle technology so you can drink a great tasting beer in space, as you would on earth.

Got a question? Email

We've hit 3% of our funding goal so far...
We’re now a few weeks into our crowd funding campaign and have a bunch of cool perks to choose from including merch, your very own Space Beer or even a Space Beer Weekender should you wish to join our mission!

We've hit 3% of our funding goal so far and the first Space Beer Weekender has been snapped up, which is really exciting.

We are continually working hard to get the word out so have decided to extend the campaign to 60 days instead of the original 40. This will allow us just that little bit extra to see the dream of Space Beer come alive!  We're still dreaming BIG!

We're about to launch!
Be part of a world first & join us!

Our crowdfunding campaign launches at 6:00pm on April 7th, 2018 ( PST Los Angeles).

That's 11:00am on April 8th, 2018 for Aussies (AEST)and 2:00am on April 8th, 2018 for the UK (BST).

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